Tuesday, December 04, 2007

hola bitcholas

Well its almost Christmas and my sister Vicki just had a baby girl. I am so happy for her. Turns out the last time I posted I was right. She had her baby last tuesday so the little pudger is a week old today. I haven't seen her yet. I hope I get pictures soon. I would really love to hold her. But with all the turmoil in our family I just don't think that is going to happen any time soon. I miss Vicki and I wish her and Brian the best. I hope they are really enjoying there new little one. Its not easy when the baby is new and your a first time parent. I remember when Amanda was born. How hard it was to leave her alone long enough to even take a shower. I couldn't do it! And when Joan came over to take care of her and help with some stuff and I took a shower it was the fastest shower I have ever taken in my life because I had flashes of joan putting Pan in a blender. It was horrifying!
I hope things go easier for Vicki and Brian as they embark on this new awesome and amazing journey. And I hope they make better choices then I did. I know Vicki doesn't want my advice on anything. Because that entire side of my family thinks I am a terrible parent. But the thing is is that I have been there. I have made mistakes just as all parents do. And I would like to prevent them from making the mistakes I made so they can make their own as they surely will because no one is perfect. Maybe if she reads this she will accept the fact that I know what I am talking about and will be willing to email me back instead of ignoring my emails. Well she is also hella busy now too and I know that. I love ya Vicster and I hope to hear from you soon. Maybe the next time I call you will answer the phone???

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