Friday, July 25, 2008

My life

Is simply put.
All about this :

For my beautiful babies.
I miss you all so very much.
Pan you have become such an incredible young lady. I am so very very proud of you. ( don't tell your sisters..your my favorite kid!)
Sierra your art takes my breath away. I am so very very proud of you.(Don't tell your sisters your my favorite kid!)
Lynndsey. You are becoming quite the athlete and your goal to become a vetrinarian is awesome! I am so very very proud of you.( don't tell your sisters, you are my favorite kid!)
I am so blessed to be the mother of three fantastic, amazing, creative, funny, loveable, wonderful, beautiful girls.
You are all the best thing I ever did.
I love each of you for who you are. Unconditionally and for eternity,
There will never come a time that I will not be proud of you.
Any decisions you make for your life I will be behind you.
I hope that you will all spread your wings and fly.
Pan go to the Amazon and study anacondas if that is something you really want to do..
Sierra go to Paris to draw, go anywhere the wind blows you for that matter. Do that while you are young before you have kids!
Lynndsey. Become a vetrinarian go to school where ever you think is best no matter how far away it might be.
When you are older you can put down roots.
You cannot really put down those roots if the desire to fly has never been given into.
You cannot really put down roots when what you really want is to keep flying.
Then put down those roots when you know you are ready.
Never ever let anyone make you feel that you should not do what you want to do in this life.
Do not allow anyone to tell you how to live your life.
They are not the ones you need to make happy.
No one can make you happy but you.
No one can complete you. You ARE complete.
You are loved.
You are wonderful
You are beautiful.
And you are worth EVERYTHING.




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