Friday, November 14, 2008


A lot going on lately. Haven't time to order my thoughts around in my brain let a lone put them anywhere in a journal. I had forgotten how important journaling was to me. How much of a release it is to get stuff out of my head instead of trying to find a place to file it away.
I can't even remember my last entry or when I wrote it.
I am at my sisters house in Lake Stevens right now. There are some pretty serious issues going on with my nephew right now. Leaving him alone is not an option. We are trying to keep things as normal as possible for him. He is going to see a movie tonight with a friend which is awesome. He was so excited all day. It was wonderful to see the light in his eyes again. I miss my bed and my room and my home with a view but I would not trade my nephew in for anything. I am glad to be here for him and for my sister. It does make me miss my kids even more. They are doing so well with their dad though. Bellie actually has A's!! I am so proud of her.!!!! They have friends and a life and I don't want to take that stability away from them. I wish Amanda could come and live with me now that she is out of job chore. Unfortunatley for the moment I am living with roommates and they don't want any more people in the house. They are expecting a baby and things are about to get crazy. I am hoping that my ducks will continue to line up and I can be in a place by summer. But I am not holding my breath and no one else should hold theirs.
I guess I really didn't have much more to say then that. Huh. I thought I would be here typing for hours. Their is so much going on in my head. I guess its just not organized enough to emerge yet.

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