Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I can't believe another valentines day is here already. It seems like just yesterday the last one came around.
Last year I was alone. Nothing new about that. Even when I was with someone, it never failed that Valentines would come and go and I would be alone. It was the next day that someone would be kissing my ass.
Not this year! This year I have Billy and he has me! He even blogged about me and the girls today. You can read it HERE.
Today will be a good day indeed. Snow blew in today,woke up to about an inch or so. School is two hours late, and Billy is not going to work.
He works washing and detailing cars so can't do that in the snow! The hose is frozen.. So I get to spend the entire day with the love of my life :)
Even though I hate snow, Valentines day will be wonderful.
I hope and wish for everyone to have an awesome day with the person they love. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL BILLY!!!!!!

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