Wednesday, April 06, 2005


I have done pretty much nothing. I went to do some laundry but all my detergent was gone. Even the two extra bottles that I had are empty. I didn't use them so I am pretty upset about this. I got a few things done. but nowhere near what I wanted. My roommate Nazrat is bringing me some boxes home tomarrow from his work. They will be great for taking donations to Goodwill and stuff. Got the kids to go through some of there stuff and lined up my sister T to come over on Sunday to help me clean out the closet up there and finish up there room. I am so not happy with all the stuff I have to do. And even though I do a little everyday, I still feel like I am not making a dent. I think when I get the donation stuff out of the house I will feel better. I will at that time be able to see some results.!
Well I took your advice dl and I took a bit of a break. visited some other folks and now I have to go to bed. Hopefully I will be able to catch up on everyone tomarrow morning.
Love and Hugs to all who read this:)

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