Friday, February 04, 2005

Joe's Questions My Answers

1* If you could have dinner with one living person in the entire world who would it be and why?
Oprah Winfrey,because she has been through so much and come so far and she is such an enlightened person, she believes alot of the same things I believe in and I love her angel network.I would like to just talk to her for a few hours and get more personal insights.

2*If you could have lunch with one deceased person in the entire history of the world who would it be and why?
I would have to say Christopher Columbus,because I have a question for him.

3* If you could ask only one question of number one what would it be?
I would ask.....If she has ever left anyone behind and felt bad about it.

4*If you could ask only one question of number two what would it be?
I would ask Sir Columbus what the hell made him think he was in India when he landed here!

If those people were not available I would want to have lunch with Alan Alda and I would ask him what his fondest memory of filming M*A*S*H was. I would want to have lunch with Jimi Hendrix and ask him to tell me his favorite acid trip memory.

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