Monday, February 21, 2005

The thinker, the artist, and the music video maker

I am talking bout creative here folks, my kids are amazing to me!
Lynnie is the thinker and the youngest, she can put together a 300 peace puzzle in about an hour, work out just about any math problem, and she tends to be quite philosophical. Bellie is the artist, she can draw pretty much anything and it looks damn real.She is also quite funny, its all the creative juices it is, then theres the oldest who makes up lyrics, music, and videos. I need to get her a video camera so she can actually put her visions into reality. I think they all have a pretty good chance of making a good life for themselves once they get out into the real world. There are so many different things that they could do with the talents that they have. I was told that when I was younger. I was told that I should be a writer, that I should be a veterinarian, that I should be a Doctor or a nurse. I was told so many things, and I have so many talents that I could put to use. The problem these days is that everyone wants you to have a college education to do anything, including train horses. What happened to life skills.
What happened to just knowing how to do something, because it comes naturally to you? Take for instance horse training. I can do this, have done this.
Can I get a job as a horse trainer? NO! Why? you ask, because I didn't go to college for it. I learned it on my own, and at a place called Horse Country. Are my life experiences enough? No. Are my skills at this any good? Yes! I am excellent at training horses, I have my own methods and they work great!
I can take a green horse and within a month he is not only rideable, he is also friendly and willing to learn all the skills his owner wants him to have.
I can take a horse that was beaten and neglected, who is now mean as a wet rooster and in a month I will have him eating out of my hand and laying his head on my shoulder. This is not however good enough for anyone in the horse training world. And I am telling you right now. Alot of what they do is just soooo screwed up.
Do I think my kids should go to college? If thats what they want to do hey I support it one hundred percent. IF they don't want to go to college and they want to join the circus, Hell I support that too! I don't care what they do with there lives, I just hope that they are happy and that they are able to use the skills that come to them naturally. I have high hopes for them of course I do.
I am there mother. PUSH them to do anything, hell no I will not ! All that will accomplish is unhappy kids who resent me. I encourage there creativity, I encourage the art, the thinking, and the music. With out those things. What would we really have in this world?

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