Thursday, December 09, 2004

Tips tips tips and NOOOO TIPS!

I cannot believe some people these days! I deliver a fresh hot pizza to your door, spending my own money on gas and oil and tires ! To get that pizza to your home and you can't even give me a damn $2.00 TIP! What the HELL! I hate my job, I get lost and I go in circles because so many people out there don't have house numbers and can't even bother to turn on a frickin porch light! AAAARHHHHHGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want a new job! I want a job where I will be appreciated for all that I do. O god am I living in a dream world or what?!
Tonight really sucked at work, can you tell, first I get no tips, and I get lost three times, then I hear on the radio that The guys from Pantera are dead. Then they say its just dimebag and that Vince is alright even though he was shot. God that just bites! Why would anyone do that to anyone?????? I guess I don't really want that answered though because anyone that could answer that is more then likely quite dangerous themselves. I think I need some cheering up! I did apply for another job today helping the old folks again so maybe that will work out . I sure miss it! I had an elderly customer tonight, god she was just so sweet! I had to remind her to come and lock her door again because of course I had to take the pizza inside as she was using a walker and couldn't carry it herself. She gave me my only tip tonight and I just think she is a SAINT!!!!!!! There that cheered me up /just remembering her....
Seriously though it sucks having a job where any tips I do make go right back into my gas tank so I can keep delivering Pizzas!!!!!! Okay I will quite my bitching now. I know that right now life is really trully sucking for someone else out there..
And for them I will now bow my head a pray..............................

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