Saturday, January 15, 2005


It was a strange day to begin with, I felt like I was being watched and usually this doesn't bother me but the feeling was ominous this time and NO I did not like that.
I woke up feeling like someone had been sitting on my chest,yes ladies and gentlemen I woke up mid panic attack.(God I hate that)
All that day I had cold shivers running up and down my spine,now for those of you who don't know, I do have a very keen 6th sense and I had never felt anything like this before...
I had a weird disconnected feeling all day that really bothered me and had me in quit a dither.
I could concentrate on nothing, even being at work I had this disorientated feeling and cold shivers and goosebumps and felt like I was being followed and hovered over.
I had my two youngest daughters go to sleep on the couch downstairs as my room looks into the living room and I felt that I needed them close by, my oldest daughter was like mom give me a break and she slept upstairs with the dog. I couldn't fall asleep for the life of me and so I watched M*A*S*H and got some good laughs like always!!! But I still felt creeped out.I had the fan going as it was really hot and I thought okay thats cool white noise right, The bathroom light was on as usuall because my kids are afraid of the dark, I never have been until now...
Anway I turned off the tv and tossed and turned for quite a while, I finally dozed off and I woke up suddenly because I KNEW someone strange was in my room, I looked up and sideways and there hovering over my bed with his hands out was a STRANGE MAN!Well I screamed bloody murder and whipped my feet out from under the blankets and did A very good DEATH TO YOU MOTHER FUCKER kick to the mans chest, about 22 times when I realized he had disapeared into thin air....he did not fall down, he did not back up, he did not turn tail and runaway, HE FUCKING DISAPEARED INTO THIN AIR..I want to make it clear that I have been woken up a gazillion times in my sleep by those who are on the other side and it never scared me one wit.THIS terrified me to the very marrow of my soul.I got my shit together after a few miutes and turned the light on and checked the entire house just incase I was mistaken, NO mistake the MAN was not around but I could still feel his presence. So I said out loud." whoever you are, I don't know what the HELL you want but you scared the crap out of me and I don't want you to ever do that again EVER."Then I told him to go away and asked in the name of Jesus Christ my lord and savior please take this spirit away from me.
I left my bedroom light on and laid there wide awake until the break of dawn and decided that 6 am was a good time to call my sister and tell her about it. She came right over with some sea salt and candles and bells and sage and clear finger nail polish and we blessed my property and cleansed it and all that.. Everything was good for awhile and then suddenly the other night I got that feeling again and I was spooked I tell you what. I woke up at 5 am because my dog who sleeps under my covers was woofing and I had that strange person in my room knowledge again and the cats where hissing and (they hate eachother ) where both standing on me and growling and setting up a ruckus but not at eachother they where staring to the side of my bed, and sure enough there was the strange man again, only this time he was just standing there with his hands to his sides and looking at me..I was sooo freaked out because his presence was still ominous not comforting. I told him under no uncertain terms that he was to leave immediatley and never ever come back to my home, my property etc..he put up his hands like he was going to choke me and I screamed and brought up those deadly feet of mine and aimed at his chest, he dissafuckingpeared again! The cats chilled out and curled up again and the dog quit woofing but I was still very shaken and as a matter of fact I am having the hardest time typing this out right now, I have to keep going back and retype words.. ahkk..
Spirits have never ever ever scared me before, this one does and I wish that he would leave me alone. I am afraid to go to sleep at night for fear that I will wake up with him hovering over me..what to do ? What to do???


boabhan sith said...

Holy Shit!
I would have called a priest, a preacher, a medicine woman, and a cab!

Check you and the kiddo's check yourself into a hotel for a night and see if it happens there too...

Damn, I dream things that really happen sometimes (just small things) and can feel things (sometimes even willing them to happen as can my sister) but I would shit a couple pounds of brain matter if I woke to a man floating over my bed!


I'm sleeping with the night light on bright tonight!

Queen on the run said...

boabhan I am tellin ya, I think I am minus a few brain cells, I went and threw up after posting this because it just makes me so scared to think about...

naughtygirl said...

wow. that sux alot. i may sleep with a light on too. aint noone at my house tonight and im afraid of the dark and all. theres nothing worse than knowing something else is in your house. i always know but ive never seen. i would flip a shit if i ever saw one good or bad. it could be my mothers ghost and id fucking run through the house screaming. hope you get to sleep ok

Queen on the run said...

after careful consideration I have decided to never sleep at night again,and if it happens during the day well I will buy a lifetime supply of no doz,possibly consider a meth habbit and learn to like coffee..hmm I think I should probably order a truck load of lightbulbs also..

Me said...

Smokeysmurf had a good idea with trying to sleep in another room. Maybe he is upset over 'where' you are sleeping. But... then again; how long have you been there? If he's never cared before, maybe it's something else.

Could you try just staring him down until you are calmer and then asking him what he needs?

Or... just keep kicking yelling I guess works too. LOL. I'd be saying some Our Fathers myself, and asking guardian angels to watch over me and my room and to keep all evil out.

Anonymous said...

Brrr... Stop it! I am reading this at 1:40 in the morning and it is freaking me out!