Monday, January 10, 2005


My friend NEJ who loves me so much, the one who's computer is at my house,and we have been sharing,went and got herself a new computer today and managed to get herself a land line phone, so she skipped on over to inform me that I now OWN this very computer that I am typiing on!!!!!! WOO HOOOOO!!!! I so happy!!!!! I got a puter!!!!! Yes it is a jurassic boat anchor but it is mine and I can get it upgraded!!!!! WOW, How very lovely of her to give to me this lovely contraption!!!!! I have never owned a computer before and I am just so thrilled.. I could gush on and on forever about it so I will refrain and I will just go on and read other folks's blogs as i am want to do. Speaking of other blogs Nej has started her own!!!! The link will be available as soon as I remember what it is.... note to self, call Nej....Also check out grams lap there is a link for it at "me and my vampire" which the is a link for on this page.Okay her thingy is I haven't quite got the whole link thing figured out yet so there is the url! Go see it an enjoy!


Queen on the run said...

I tried to do it myself but I just can't seem to figure out where to put the link to make it show up on the sidebar! GRRRRRRRR, if I ever figure it out smokey I will share the knowledge freely!

gal artist said...

Congrats on having your own computer. It's a great feeling isn't it? :)

Queen on the run said...

I am just so psyched! Stuart when I figure it out I will let you know then we can all be geniouses!!!
Seriously I don't know where to put the links to make them appear on the sidebar but I am determined to figure it out somehow. Wish me luck!!!:)